ESERCIZIO NUM: 2482 - CATEGORIA: ascolto > ascolto - DIFFICOLTA': **

Ascolta la lettura del seguente brano e completa le parti mancanti:

MY DAY: Every day I ...(1) at half past six. First I ...(2) to the kitchen and ...(3) a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. Then I ...(4) to the bathroom and ...(5) my teeth. After that, I ...(6) dressed and ...(7) my hair. At half past seven I ...(8) to work. I ...(9) the bus to Cabramatta. It ...(10) a long way from home. I ...(11) at work at ten to eight. At twelve o'clock I ...(12) lunch and at four o'clock I ...(13) home. At seven o'clock I ...(14) dinner with my family and then we ...(15) TV. At a quarter past eleven I ...(16) to bed.