ESERCIZIO NUM: 2470 - CATEGORIA: verbi > past-simple question-form negative-form - DIFFICOLTA': ***
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Completa le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(02).

When... you in London? (to be) / We... in a flat when we were in Paris. (not/to live) / What... you... yesterday? (to lose) / He... magic tricks at the party. (not/to do) / Mandy... her room on Thursday. (not/to tidy up) / ...Frank... a room with Henry when they... in Rome? (to share) (to be) / I... physics at school. (not/to like) / ...the shop assistant... 10 percent off the price? (to take) / She... the correct word in the exercise. (to use) / Why... the baby this morning? (to cry)