ESERCIZIO NUM: 2446 - CATEGORIA: verbi > discorso - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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Trasforma queste frasi dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto(10):

Henry: "I will be late." Henry said (that)... / Victoria: "Dan will meet Tim at five." Victoria said (that)... / Mum: "The boys will repair the bike." Mum told me (that)... / Dad: "Sue will invite all her friends to the party." Dad mentioned (that)... / Lucy: "The teachers will ask questions." Lucy told me (that)... / Alexander: "The cat will not climb the tree." Alexander said (that)... / Alisha: "I'll phone my friend." Alisha told me (that)... / Ian: "They will buy new furniture." Ian said (that)... / Ron and Cliff: "We will learn new phrases." Ron and Cliff told me (that)... / Jeremy: "They won't drink coffee." Jeremy remarked (that)...