ESERCIZIO NUM: 236 - CATEGORIA: verbi > singolare-plurale present-simple - DIFFICOLTA': ***
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Coniuga il verbo tra parentesi al SINGOLARE o al PLURALE in base al nome a cui si riferisce(01):

1. My little sister (have) a lot of stuffed animals. / 2. For my birthday, my mom always (make) me a cake. / 3. The entire class (had want) to go / to the assembly on Friday. / 4. The teachers (is deciding) if we (gets) a longer recess. / 5. My parents (has goes) to the same restaurant where they met. / 6. On Thanksgiving, we (eats) turkey and potatoes at my grandpa’s house. / 7. The baseball team (will be travel) to South Carolina for a big tournament. / 8. The computers (is) located in the computer lab. / 9. That little boy (ask) me what my name is every day. / 10. We (loses) every game we play