ESERCIZIO NUM: 2348 - CATEGORIA: verbi > to-be negative-form - DIFFICOLTA': ***
CLICCA QUI per aprire un TUTORIAL sui VERBI prima di svolgere l'esercizio

Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al futuro in forma NEGATIVA o AFFERMATIVA in base alla richiesta:

It.... cold tonight. (affirmative sentence) / I.... careful. (affirmative sentence) / Jack.... at work today. (negative sentence) / They.... home at 6 o'clock. (affirmative sentence) / She.... there later. (affirmative sentence) / We.... here on Sunday. (negative sentence) / The meeting.... in room 303. (affirmative sentence) / I think my friend.... in the national team. (affirmative sentence) / The exams.... difficult. (negative sentence) / He.... back in the office tomorrow morning. (affirmative sentence)