ESERCIZIO NUM: 2345 - CATEGORIA: verbi > apostrofo to-be to-have - DIFFICOLTA': **
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IS oppure HAS? completa le frasi scrivendo la forma estesa dei seguenti verbi alla forma contratta:

He's listened to the song. = He... listened to the song. --- She's reading a comic. = She... reading a comic. --- It's rained a little. = It... rained a little. --- She's been here. = She... been here. --- He's written an e-mail. = He... written an e-mail. --- She's lost her money. = She... lost her money. --- It's raining. = It... raining --- He's cut his finger. = He... cut his finger. --- That's nice of you. = That... nice of you. --- Where's Kathy gone? = Where... Kathy gone?