ESERCIZIO NUM: 2235 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > invalsi - DIFFICOLTA': **

A DAY IN THE LIFE: Amir Adel Ezzeldin is 12 and lives in Cairo. 7 a.m. My mother wakes me up. I get dressed and eat breakfast. I have a sandwich and milk or juice. 7:30 a.m. The school bus picks me up. 8:25 a.m. Classes start. We study Arabic, English, math and social studies. We also study art, music and computers. 2:45 p.m. The school day ends. It takes an hour to get home. 4 p.m. I take a shower and eat lunch. 5:15 p.m. I start my homework. Then I play field hockey. 8 p.m. Dinnertime. If I'm lucky, we have my favourite food: pizza.

Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 5a elementare dell'anno 2018. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.

Indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE, FALSE oppure se non è possibile saperlo: Amir is 13 years old // He has tea for breakfast // He goes to school by bus // Classes start at eight o'clock // His favourite subject is computers // At home he has kebab for lunch // After lunch he plays American football // His favourite food is pizza