ESERCIZIO NUM: 2218 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > frasi - DIFFICOLTA': *****

FALL, FEEL oppure FILL? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:

1 He __ over and hurt himself. A=felt B=fell C=fall / 2 Shaun __ off his bicycle. A=feel B=fell C=felt / 3 I __ like a burger for dinner. A=feel B=fall C=fill / 4 Suzie __ bad about missing the dinner. A=felt B=fill C=feel / 5 Did you __ in all the forms? A=feel B=fill C=fall / 6 I've __ and I can't get up. A=fallen B=felt C=filled / 7 The past tense of 'fall' is __. A=felt B=fill C=fell / 8 You can __ up your car with gas. A=feel B=fill C=fell / 9 The past tense of 'feel' is __. A=fallen B=felt C=fell / 10 I __ better than James Brown. A=feel B=fall C=fill