ESERCIZIO NUM: 2216 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > frasi - DIFFICOLTA': *****

EVEN IF oppure EVEN TOUGH? Scegli la parola giusta per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:

1 She waits for him to call ___ she knows he won't. A=even though B=even if C=A or B / 2 I borrowed Kevin's umbrella ___ I didn't ask him for permission. A=even if B=even though C=A or B / 3 Melissa would love Bill Gates ___ he were poor. A=even if B=even though C=A or B / 4 She said she wouldn't speak to me __ I was the last man on the planet. A=even though B=even if C=A or B / 5 ___ dinosaurs had tiny brains, they existed for millions of years. A=Even though B=Even if C=A or B / 6 I couldn't get rid of the roaches ___ I sprayed insecticide everywhere. A=even if B=even though C=A or B / 7 ___ I had a credit card, I wouldn't use it much. A=Even if B=Even though C=A or B / 8 Nancy likes her neighborhood ___ it's kind of rough. A=even though B=even if C=A or B / 9 ___ we start now, we still won't finish in time. A=Even though B=Even if C=A or B / 10 I wouldn't buy that car ___ I could afford it. A=even though B=even if C=A or B