ESERCIZIO NUM: 2215 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito LETTURA dei GRAFICI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:

1 Which sentence means the price has gone up? A=The price of product A has run. B=The price of product A has skyrocketed. C=The price of product A has altituded. / 2 Which sentence means the price has gone down? A=The price of product A has dropped. B=The price of product A has stabilised. C=The price of product A has barely moved. / 3 Which sentence means the price has stayed the same? A=The price of product A has levelled off. B=The price of product A has moved up. C=The price of product A has fallen. / 4 The high point of a chart is called a __. A=poke B=pike C=peak / 5 When the price of an item moves up and down repeatedly, it is ___. A=volatile B=infantile C=agile / 6 A round chart that displays ratios is a __ chart. A=globe B=cookie C=pie / 7 Charts are often used to show ___. A=users B=trends C=trendations / 8 A __ chart is divided into columns. A=wall B=bar C=bee / 9 Sometimes on a chart, the year is divided into four ___. A=quota B=quotations C= / s / 10 The chart shows a ___ increase in sales in the first / . A=subsistent B=substantial C=substance