ESERCIZIO NUM: 2185 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti tempo-atmosferico - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CLIMA-GEOGRAFIA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):

1 The time when the sun goes down is called ___. A=sunset B=sunoff C=sunout / 2 Between two mountains, there is a ___. A=vale B=valley C=volley / 3 The top of a mountain is called the __. A=split B=peak C=pile / 4 People like to go ___ in the mountains and in the hills. A=hiking B=haking C=reeking / 5 ___ is the study of rocks. A=Germany B=Geology C=Genealogy / 6 The bones of ancient animals such as dinosaurs are called ___. A=flossies B=fossils C=feasels / 7 Much of the Earth's trees are in the ___ of Brazil and other tropical areas. A=rain forests B=ream forests C=bunyan trees / 8 ___ is a measure of how much moisture or water is in the air. A=Humidity B=Humility C=Rainfactor / 9 The ___ is the area where a lake or body of water meets the land. A=shore B=peak C=port / 10 A ___ is a small river. A=stream B=beamer C=stroke