ESERCIZIO NUM: 2125 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > aggettivi comparativi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

AGGETTIVI COMPARATIVI, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per rispondere ad ogni domanda:

1 Which sentence is correct? A=George is as happy as Bill about the news. B=George is happy as Bill about the news. C=George is as happy than Bill about the news. / 2 Which sentence is correct? A=Al is as old than my sister. B=Al is as old as my sister. C=Al is old as my sister. / 3 Which sentence is correct? A=Joey is not smart as Ross. B=Joey is not as smart as Ross. C=Joey is as not smart as Ross. / 4 Which sentence is correct? A=Rachel is cute as Phoebe. B=Rachel is more cute as Phoebe. C=Rachel is as cute as Phoebe. / 5 Which sentence is correct? A=He is happy as can be. B=He is as happy as can be. C=He is as happy as can. / 6 Which sentence is correct? A=There were not as many flowers that I had expected. B=There were not as many flowers I had expected. C=There were not as many flowers as I had expected. / 7 Which sentence is correct? A=I don't earn as much as I'd like. B=I don't earn that much as I'd like. C=I don't earn as much that I'd like. / 8 _____, it should be a success. A=As long as I can see B=As big as I can see C=As far as I can see / 9 Which sentence is correct? A=As long the temperature remains below 40, it will be safe. B=As long as the temperature remains below 40, it will be safe. C=As far as the temperature remains below 40, it will be safe. / 10 To give an opinion, we can say ______. A=As far I'm concerned B=The far as I'm concerned as C=As far as I'm concerned