ESERCIZIO NUM: 2124 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > frasi question-form - DIFFICOLTA': ****

DOMANDE di chiarimento, scegli la risposta giusta, fra le tre suggerite, per completare ogni frase(03):

1 __ your opinion on this topic? A=How B=What's C=What / 2 __ do you feel about that? A=How B=Why C=What's / 3 Are you ___ on this? A=to me B=at me C=with me / 4 ___ that income taxes are too low? A=Aren't you agree B=Are you agree C=Do you agree / 5 ____ that people are just basically selfish? A=Are you think B=Don't you think C=Would you think / 6 What __ you say that? A=gives B=makes C=sends / 7 What's your ___ opinion, as a lawyer? A=truth B=professional C=medical / 8 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=What advice do you give me on this? B=What advice are you give me on this? C=What advice can you give me on this? / 9 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=In your opinion, which is the best? B=On your opinion, which is the best? C=Into your opinion, which is the best? / 10 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=How are you feel if we got a dog? B=How would you feel if we got a dog? C=How wouldn't you feel if we got a dog?