ESERCIZIO NUM: 2121 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > articoli - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per completare ogni frase (08):

1 I have __ headache. I think I'd better rest. A=the B=a C=an / 2 __ President of the United States is Barack Obama. A=An B=A C=The / 3 I found __ dollar lying by the side of the road. A=an B=the C=a / 4 I found a dollar lying by the side of __ road. A=an B=a C=the / 5 I can't wait until __ weekend comes. A=an B=a C=the / 6 __ postman always comes before nine o' clock. A=The B=An C=A / 7 This tie is really __ awful color. A=a B=the C=an / 8 I had __ haircut yesterday. A=the B=a C=an / 9 Every time I return home, __ neighbor's dog barks at me. A=a B=the C=an / 10 __ apple a day keeps the doctor away. A=A B=The C=An / 11 I bought an apple and an orange. I ate __ orange. A=a B=the C=an / 12 I have a car and a bicycle, but I prefer to use __ car. A=a B=the C=an