ESERCIZIO NUM: 2107 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > mezzi-trasporto - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito VIAGGI-AEROPORTO per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):

1 You meet someone at the ____ section. A=departures B=customs C=arrivals / 2 You leave via the ____ gate. A=departures B=arrivals C=customs / 3 At the ___ section, an officer may check your bags. A=boarding gate B=arrivals C=customs / 4 At the ___ section, an officer may check your passport. A=customs B=boarding gate C=immigration / 5 When you get onto the plane, you ___ it. A=mount B=hop C=board / 6 The place where you wait to get on the plane is the ___ area. A=mounting B=check-in C=boarding / 7 When you first arrive at the airport, you need to ___. A=check in B=check out C=check / 8 When you check in, you exchange your ticket for ____. A=money B=luggage C=a boarding pass / 9 The plane has to ___ to leave the ground. A=take off B=fly up C=take out / 10 The plane has to ___ when you reach your destination. A=drop in B=fall down C=land / 11 The people who serve you on a plane are called __. A=flight waiters B=flight service C=flight attendants / 12 The flight attendants are also called the __. A=cabin waiters B=cabin servants C=cabin crew / 13 A patch of rough air is called __. A=opulence B=bad air C=turbulence