ESERCIZIO NUM: 2104 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > aggettivi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

AGGETTIVI in ED oppure in ING? scegli quello giusto per completare ogni frase(01):

1 The monster is ___. A=frightened B=frightening / 2 I felt ___ when I saw the monster. A=frightened B=frightening / 3 Little Joe was getting ___ during the class. A=bored B=boring / 4 He reckoned that the class was __. A=bored B=boring / 5 It's so ___ when the elevator breaks down. A=annoyed B=annoying / 6 George gets so ___ when the elevator breaks down. A=annoying B=annoyed / 7 What an ___ sight! A=amazing B=amazed / 8 George was ___ at the news. A=amazed B=amazable / 9 What an ___ time we had! A=exciting B=excited / 10 George gets very ___ when there's a war. A=exciting B=excited / 11 That was such an __ trip! A=exhausted B=exhausting / 12 Pete was __ after running the marathon. A=exhausting B=exhausted / 13 The poor kitten was __ during the thunderstorm. A=terrified B=terrifying