ESERCIZIO NUM: 2102 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > nomi aggettivi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

NOMI oppure AGGETTIVI? scegli la risposta giusta ad ogni domanda(01):

1 Which word is an adjective? A=difference B=differ C=different / 2 Which word is an adjective? A=body B=fitness C=healthy / 3 Which word is an adjective? A=agreeable B=agreement C=agree / 4 Which word is a noun? A=confident B=confide C=confidence / 5 Which word is a noun? A=joy B=happy C=glad / 6 Which word is a noun? A=equipped B=equipment C=equip / 7 Which word can be an adjective? A=confused B=confusion C=confuse / 8 Which word is a noun? A=hopeless B=hope C=hopeful / 9 The birth of my first child brought me great __. A=joy B=happy C=glad / 10 I am very __ that I will succeed. A=confident B=confidence C=confide / 11 I'm so __ to finally meet you. A=glad B=joy C=happiness / 12 Which word is a noun? A=fear B=frightened C=scared