ESERCIZIO NUM: 2098 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA': *****

PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(19):

1. Go ___ down the road and then turn left at the lights. a. straight b. strait / 2. Go ___ in peace. a. forth b. fourth / 3. Go away! ___! a. shoe b. shoo / 4. Go out and check the ___ box, will you. a. mail b. male / 5. Go to the corner, ___ wait five minutes. a. than b. then / 6. Go to the end of the ___ and wait your turn. a. queue b. cue / 7. Good shoes provide ___ support. a. arc b. arch / 8. Grandfather was a ___ and hearty man. a. hail b. hale / 9. Harold ___ his thanks before he eats every meal. a. praise b. prays c. preys / 10. Have ___ and do not get angry. a. patience b. patients