ESERCIZIO NUM: 2088 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA': *****

PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(09):

1. Do you know ___ way he went? a. which b. witch / 2. Do you prefer ___ corn or corn on the cob? a. colonel b. kernel / 3. Do you really ___ the money? a. knead b. need / 4. Don't be a ___, be more interesting. a. boar b. bore / 5. Einstein won the Noble prize for ___. a. physics b. psychics / 6. Everyone went to the party ___ John. a. accept b. except / 7. Exercise and dieting will help you to lose ___ weight. a. access b. excess / 8. Exercise builds ___ and reduces fat. a. muscle b. mussel / 9. Fabric ___ takes a lot of skill. a. dyeing b. dying / 10. February is the time of the year that many people get colds and ___. a. flew b. flue c. flu