ESERCIZIO NUM: 2085 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA': *****

PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(06):

11. Bad news reporting makes me see ___. a. read b. red / 12. Be careful not to ___ that big fish in too fast. a. real b. reel / 13. Be sure there is enough daylight to make your ___ down the mountain. a. decent b. descent c. dissent / 14. Better ___ than never. a. later b. latter / 15. Birds catch worms that come out with the morning ___. a. dew b. do c. due / 16. Bread tastes better the longer you ___ the dough. a. need b. knead / 17. Brian invited ___ of his friends to his birthday party. a. known b. none c. nun / 18. But I ____ it would be all right. a. though b. thought / 19. Can you ___ a way for me to carry three bags at one time? a. device b. devise / 20. Can you ___ the apples for me? a. peal b. peel