ESERCIZIO NUM: 2081 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA': *****

PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(02):

11. A delicious fruit is the French ___. a. peer b. pier c. pear / 12. A dolphin and a ___ are similar. a. porpoise b. purpose / 13. A favorite orange is the ___. a. naval b. navel / 14. A great ___ burst from her lips as she realized that the child was dead. a. wail b. whale / 15. A healthy pond should ___ with life. a. team b. teem / 16. A low mark on one quiz should not have a strong ___ on your grade. a. affect b. effect / 17. A man of his ___ is impressive. a. statue b. stature c. statute / 18. A member of the House of Lords is known as a ___. a. peer b. pier c. pear / 19. A place I remember from my childhood is the little brown church in the ___. a. vale b. veil