ESERCIZIO NUM: 2068 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > tempo-atmosferico - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito METEO-CLIMA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:

1. If the weather forecast is fine, it's going to be ___ weather. a. cold b. wet c. good / 2. If the forecast is sleet, it's going to be ___. a. cloudy and warm b. hot c. cold and wet / 3. If the forecast is drizzle, there's going to be ___. a. snow b. light rain c. sunshine / 4. Hail is ___. a. light rain b. strong winds c. ice balls / 5. Showers are ___. a. light winds b. the sound lightening makes c. light rain / 6. Frost happens when it's ___. a. windy b. cold c. hot / 7. If the forecast is overcast, it's going to be ___. a. cold b. cloudy c. sunny / 8. If the weather is humid, the air is ___. a. cold and dry b. hot and dry c. hot and wet / 9. Strong gusts refer to ___. a. snow b. rain c. wind / 10. If the weather is snowy, it is ___. a. warm b. hot c. cold