ESERCIZIO NUM: 2045 - CATEGORIA: verbi > frasi - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Leggi le frasi con il verbo TO GIVE e scegli la miglior soluzione, fra quelle proposte, per completarle correttamente:

1. The little boy was forced to give ___ to his brother's wishes. / 2. I give ___ . This problem is too difficult to solve. / 3. He gave ___ all his fortune to charities. / 4. Don't forget to give my books ___ . I need to study for my exams. / 5. After a week camping, all our food supplies gave ___ . / 6. Remember to give all your papers ___ by Monday morning so that I can grade them. / 7. This must be a special type of writing paper, for it gives ___ a very pleasant smell. / 8. It used to be a tradition for the bride to be given ___ by her father. / 9. His time after school was given ___ to sports.