ESERCIZIO NUM: 2035 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi cibo - DIFFICOLTA': ****

VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE di BEVANDE.

1. What bitter black drink was invented by the Aztecs, but is now usually served made with milk and sugar? / 2. What soft drink is made of water, flavoring and sometimes ice cream and which was traditionally sold at a bar known as a fountain? / 3. What drink is usually made from grapes and is classified as red, white or rose? / 4. When the above drink is distilled and matured it becomes ___ / 5. What alcoholic drink was originally made in Scotland or Ireland from grain? / 6. What drink is served with milk or lemon and is made by pouring boiling water over the leaves? / 7. A brown colored, carbonated alcoholic drink. / 8. What word is the collective term for any or all alcoholic drinks? / 9. What drink is made from the ground beans of a shrub? / 10. What drink is made by pressing the liquid from various fruits or vegetables?