ESERCIZIO NUM: 2034 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi animali - DIFFICOLTA': ****

VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE di ANIMALI.

1. What swims in rivers, lakes and the sea and has fins and scales? / 2. What builds a nest, has feathers and wings and can fly? / 3. What has fur and whiskers and likes to catch mice? / 4. What makes a web, has eight legs and likes to catch flying insects? / 5. What has a mane, a long tail and is fun to ride? / 6. What has a very long neck and legs and dark patches on its body? / 7. What has dark stripes all over its body and looks like a horse? / 8. What is very large and has a very long trunk? / 9. What has a long neck, one or two humps on its back and is used in the desert? / 10. What is long and legless with a forked tongue? / 11. What has thick skin, is large and heavy and has one or two horns on its head? / 12. What has long ears, a short fluffy tail and hops and jumps?