ESERCIZIO NUM: 2018 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera K.

1. What in Australia jumps along on its two hind legs and carries it's baby in a pouch? / 2. A metal container with a handle, lid and spout which is used for boiling water is called a ___ / 3. A specially shaped piece of metal used to open locks is called a ___ / 4. What prefix means one thousand? / 5. This "K word" means to touch with the lips. / 6. What room in the house is all the cooking and washing of dishes done in? / 7. What "K word" is the joint which is half way down the leg? / 8. Which piece of silverware has a handle and a blade and is used for cutting? / 9. What "K word" is a baby goat, but is also slang for 'a child'? / 10. To bang on someone's door with your knuckles is to ___