ESERCIZIO NUM: 2017 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera J.

1. What is a short, long sleeved coat called? / 2. A green stone found in China and Korea and is often carved is called ___ / 3. Fruit boiled with sugar and spread on toast is called ___ / 4. A puzzle made up of different shaped pieces which are fitted together again is called a ___ / 5. Another word for work or employment is ___ / 6. A person who decides in a competition, contest, or in a law case is called a ___ / 7. A story which is funny is called a ___ / 8. The largest planet in the solar system is called ___ / 9. To travel to a distant place is to go on a ___ / 10. The sound made by keys, coins and especially small bells is called a ___