ESERCIZIO NUM: 2014 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera G.

1. What "G word" is an area by a house where people grow flowers? / 2. What European country used to be divided into East and West? / 3. This "G word" is used to protect the hands or to keep them warm. It's a ___ / 4. This was first played in Scotland and involves hitting a little white ball into a hole. / 5. This is used to stick paper together. / 6. Your mother's parents and your father's parents are your ___ / 7. The color you get when you mix white and black paint together. / 8. Dark green or red fruit which grows on vines and are used to make wine are called ___ / 9. The musical instrument that John Lennon played right-handed and Paul McCartney plays left-handed is a ___ / 10. This is good to chew and chew and chew. It's ___