ESERCIZIO NUM: 1985 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito WEB-INTERNET per completare correttamente le frasi:

1 The Internet is also called the ___. A=Intranet B=web C=matrix / 2 We __ the web. A=turf B=surf C=sloop / 3 The index page of a website is called a ____. A=pager B=backpage C=homepage / 4 Google is an example of a ____. A=blog B=search engine C=toobar / 5 An online diary or journal is called a ____. A=blog B=napster C=search engine / 6 The opposite of download is ___. A=upload B=backload C=outload / 7 People love to download music in ___ format. A=Microsoft Word B=PDF C=MP3 / 8 To select an Internet link, you ___ it. A=click B=jack C=pick / 9 If something is on the Internet, it is ___. A=onsite B=online C=on standby / 10 Does your hotel have a fast Internet ___? A=online B=broadband C=connection