ESERCIZIO NUM: 1963 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito AZIENDE-MANAGER per completare correttamente le frasi:

1 A good manager needs to ____ the employees. A=motivate B=motorvate C=ensue / 2 Employees can also be called ___. A=the workpersons B=the staff C=the stuff / 3 A manager is sometimes called a ___. A=superboss B=superduper C=supervisor / 4 An informal word for manager is __. A=superior B=big man C=boss / 5 A formal word for manager is ___. A=boss B=big man C=superior / 6 To give more responsibilities to the staff is to ___ them. A=power B=empower C=strain / 7 A discussion of an employee's work is called ___. A=an interview B=a performance review C=a bugout / 8 Another word for performance review is ____. A=appraisal B=walkthrough C=cakehole / 9 An employee's monthly money is called ___. A=salary B=wages C=A and B / 10 A high level businessperson is ____. A=an executive B=a clerk C=a chief