ESERCIZIO NUM: 1957 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito STRUMENTI MUSICALI per completare correttamente le frasi:

1 An electronic piano is a ___. A=wakeboard B=board C=keyboard / 2 A singer in a band is also called a ___. A=vocalist B=vocaller C=vocals / 3 A kind of guitar with four strings is called a ___. A=bass guitar B=basic guitar C=base guitar / 4 A large group of classical musicians is an ____. A=orchid B=orchestra C=orchestration / 5 An instrument played with a bow (a kind of stick with a wire) is a ___. A=violinist B=violin C=violent / 6 An instrument often used in jazz music is a ___. A=saxmore B=saxophone C=sophomore / 7 Drums are sometimes referred to as ___. A=percussion B=beatniks C=percolators / 8 A large piano is called a __ piano. A=massive B=grand C=great / 9 An even larger piano-style instrument with pipes is an ___. A=organ B=orchid C=orgastra / 10 A flute or a trumpet is an example of a __ instrument. A=hurricane B=wind C=windy