ESERCIZIO NUM: 1956 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MUSICA per completare correttamente le frasi:

1 Classical music is played by ____. A=an orchestra B=a band C=a crew / 2 ___ is a musical style from Jamaica made famous by Bob Marley. A=Rocko B=Reggae C=Racka / 3 Rap music is also called ___. A=hop hip B=hippety hop C=hip hop / 4 Modern bands have a lead guitar and a __ guitar. A=baste B=bass C=base / 5 A singer is also called a ___. A=vocalist B=vacancy C=yeller / 6 A female singer with a strong voice is a ___. A=samosa B=diva C=sheba / 7 The list of the top music is called the ___. A=list B=chart C=path / 8 A slow love song is called a ____. A=mellow B=ballad C=anthem / 9 ___ music is great for clubs. A=Dance B=Rhythm C=Scuba / 10 ___ is a Brazilian style of music. A=Reggae B=Sombrero C=Samba