ESERCIZIO NUM: 1920 - CATEGORIA: verbi > past-perfect - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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PAST PERFECT: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.

1 When we got to the party, Jan __ already left. A=have B=has C=had / 2 She got up late because she __ gone to bed late. A=has B=had C=have / 3 I had always __ to be a doctor until I actually visited an emergency room. A=want B=wanting C=wanted / 4 Although the consultant had ___ against it, we decided to make the investment. A=advising B=advised C=advice / 5 I felt better. The medicine ___. A=has worked B=had worked C=had work / 6 I had ____ about the assignment until you reminded me. A=forgotten B=forgot C=forgotted / 7 I am hungry because I hadn't eaten. A=The sentence is correct. B=The sentence may be correct in some circumstances. C=The sentence is not correct. / 8 I was hungry because I hadn't eaten. A=The sentence is not correct. B=The sentence may be correct in some circumstances. C=The sentence is correct. / 9 He ___ eaten all the cakes. That's why he looked ill. A=have B=has C=had / 10 She had __ late too many times. A=been B=be C=so