ESERCIZIO NUM: 1919 - CATEGORIA: verbi > participio - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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PAST PARTICIPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(03).

1 What is the past participle of 'come'? A=camen B=come C=came / 2 What is the past participle of 'light'? A=lighted B=lit C=light / 3 What is the past participle of 'know'? A=know B=known C=knew / 4 What is the past participle of 'fly'? A=flied B=flown C=flew / 5 What is the past participle of 'show'? A=shew B=shown C=showed / 6 A messenger has ___ bearing good news. A=came B=camen C=come / 7 Studies have ___ that smoking causes all kinds of bad stuff. A=show B=shown C=showed / 8 Of all the girls I've ___, there is only one that I have truly loved, A=knew B=know C=known / 9 Past participles are used in ____. A=the simple present tense B=the simple past tense C=passive constructions / 10 What is the past participle of 'prove'? A=proved B=proven C=A or B