ESERCIZIO NUM: 1917 - CATEGORIA: verbi > participio - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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PAST PARTICIPLE: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).

1 What is the past participle of write? A=Written B=Writen C=Wrote / 2 What is the past participle of rise? A=Risen B=Rose C=Raised / 3 What is the past participle of fall? A=Fell B=Fallen C=Felled / 4 Sales have __ since December. A=fallen B=felled C=fell / 5 You have been __ another chance. A=give B=given C=gave / 6 What is the past participle of feel? A=Feeled B=Fellen C=Felt / 7 I have __ to a decision. A=come B=came C=comed / 8 George has ___ his son George Junior. A=nammed B=named C=name / 9 She has ___ the CEO for eight years now. A=be B=being C=been / 10 The fallen man has ___. A=rose B=raised C=risen