ESERCIZIO NUM: 1913 - CATEGORIA: verbi > past-continuous - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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PAST CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).

1 Jackie was ___ all day yesterday. A=slept B=sleep C=sleeping / 2 Mei Fung was ___ in the yard when she heard the noise. A=played B=play C=playing / 3 For most of yesterday, I was ___ gardening. A=done B=do C=doing / 4 She ____ while she was sleeping. A=was snoring B=was snored C=was snore / 5 Mayumi was ____ whether you would join her. A=wondered B=wonder C=wondering / 6 __ you working before I called? A=Did B=Do C=Were / 7 ___ Sammy playing badminton last Saturday afternoon? A=Was B=Did C=Were / 8 You ____ in class. Admit it! A=were sleep B=were sleeping C=were slept / 9 She was ___ in the shower. A=singing B=sing C=sung / 10 I __ looking for you everywhere before lunch. Where were you? A=were B=did C=was