ESERCIZIO NUM: 1886 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > avverbi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Posizione degli AVVERBI: indica la posizione giusta fra le tre proposte.

1 Which is correct? A=He runs quickly. B=He quickly runs. C=A or B. / 2 Which is correct? A=He well sings. B=He sings well. C=A or B. / 3 Which is correct? A=He simply must not go. B=He must not go, simply. C=A or B / 4 Which is correct? A=Frank, unfortunately, missed the boat. B=Unfortunately, Frank missed the boat. C=A or B / 5 Which is correct? A=Sammy did not fortunately lose his passport in the fire. B=Fortunately, Sammy did not lose his passport in the fire. C=A or B / 6 Which is correct? A=He plays the trombone well particularly. B=He plays the trombone particularly well. C=A or B / 7 Which is correct? A=She lovingly caressed his face. B=She caressed his face lovingly. C=A or B / 8 Which is correct? A=She hurriedly arranged the funriture. B=She arranged the furniture hurriedly. C=A or B / 9 Which is correct? A=She spoke quickly. B=She quickly spoke. C=A or B / 10 Which is correct? A=She sings pretty well. B=She sings well pretty. C=A or B