ESERCIZIO NUM: 1884 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito POLITICA per completare correttamente le frasi(01):

1 The leader of a country is the ___ Minister. A=Prime B=Big C=Main / 2 The top politicians are called ____. A=magistrates B=congresses C=ministers / 3 The country's ministers form the ___. A=board B=cabinet C=cupboard / 4 The person in charge of the economy is the Minister of ___. A=Finance B=Economic C=Money / 5 The person in charge of dealing with other countries is the ___ Minister. A=Overseas B=Foreign C=Local / 6 The person in charge of law and order is the ___ Secretary. A=Away B=Home C=Legal / 7 A person in the Labour party is on the ___. A=right B=middle C=left / 8 A person in the Conservative party is on the ___. A=right B=left C=middle / 9 What is an MP? A=Minister of Police B=Member of Parliament C=Minister Prime / 10 The __ of the House of Commons acts as a 'referee' to politicians when they debate. A=Watcher B=Speaker C=Listener