ESERCIZIO NUM: 1880 - CATEGORIA: verbi > question-form to-do - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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QUESTION FORM: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi interrogative correttamente.

1 __ you want some more blueberry pie? A=Do B=Are C=Is / 2 __ you have any idea how silly you look? A=Do B=Are C=Is / 3 __ you coming over to dinner tonight? A=Is B=Do C=Are / 4 __ John a member of your group? A=Is B=Are C=Does / 5 What __ you thinking about? A=do B=are C=is / 6 ___ you help me with my assignment? A=Are B=Will C=Do / 7 ___ Lucy going to graduate this year? A=Does B=Are C=Is / 8 Who __ your best friend? A=is B=does C=nothing / 9 Who ___ the dogs out? A=is B=nothing C=does / 10 ___ you ever eaten sushi? A=Do B=Have C=Are