ESERCIZIO NUM: 1867 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-continuous futuro - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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PRESENT CONTINUOUS con significato al futuro: scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase proposta.

1 Which is correct? A=I am playing football tomorrow. B=I am going to play football tomorrow. C=A and B / 2 Which is correct? A=I can't see you tomorrow because I'll be playing football. B=I can't see you tomorrow because I'm playing football. C=A and B / 3 Which is correct? A=What will you be doing on Christmas Eve? B=What are you doing on Christmas Eve? C=A and B / 4 Which is correct? A=What are you wearing at the party tomorrow? B=What will you wearing at the party tomorrow? C=A and B / 5 Which sentence describes a future event? A=I'm studying Spanish with Adam. B=I'm taking Spanish lessons. C=I'm studying Spanish with Adam on Thursday. / 6 Which sentence describes a future event? A=I'm looking for a new car. B=My wife is spending too much these days. C=Later, I'm taking my wife shopping. / 7 Which sentence describes a future event? A=Jack isn't living here anymore. B=Jack isn't looking for a new wife. C=Jack isn't leaving until the end of the year. / 8 Jack ____ a break from work next week. A=taking B=will taking C=is taking / 9 Brian and Andy ____ a party tonight. A=are throwing B=are throw C=will throwing / 10 The Present Continuous tense can have the same meaning as ____. A='used to' B=the future perfect structure C='going to'