ESERCIZIO NUM: 1856 - CATEGORIA: verbi > question-form - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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QUESTION TAG: scegli il verbo corretto per completare ogni domanda proposta(02).

1 You can't help it, ___? A=can you B=can't you C=will you / 2 He ate the eggs that were rotten, ___? A=weren't they B=isn't it C=didn't he / 3 People shouldn't laugh at others' misfortunes, ___? A=should we B=should it C=should they / 4 It's true, ___? A=isn't it B=is it C=doesn't it / 5 You wouldn't want any curry, ___? A=would you B=do you C=want you / 6 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=The chef took his time, didn't he? B=I love it, don't you? C=It's great, wasn't it? / 7 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=They aren't happy, aren't they? B=Don't move, do you? C=Nobody knows about it, do they? / 8 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=Some people are mighty strange, don't they? B=Your cat loves milk, doesn't it? C=Cats love milk, doesn't it? / 9 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=It can't be true, could it? B=You weren't supposed to be here, were you? C=You were supposed to be here, were you? / 10 Which sentence is grammatically correct? A=Rosa and Jim took it, didn't he? B=The fishing is great here, isn't it? C=Mary loves Ralph, doesn't he?