ESERCIZIO NUM: 1850 - CATEGORIA: verbi > modali - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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SHOULD oppure MUST? fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente:

1 All soldiers __ get their head shaved. A=must B=should C=A or B / 2 To enter China, you ___ have a visa. A=must B=should C=A or B / 3 I feel that you ___ apologise to your wife. A=must B=should C=A or B / 4 We ___ visit Shanghai on our next vacation. A=should B=must C=A or B / 5 Look at that guy muttering to himself. He ___ be insane. A=must B=should C=A or B / 6 I messed up the third question, but I ___ still pass. A=must B=should C=A or B / 7 Under the law, murderers ___ be imprisoned for at least twenty years. A=must B=should C=A or B / 8 Look at that mold. This bread ___ have gone off. A=should B=must C=A or B / 9 You ____ see a doctor about that nasty rash. A=should B=must C=A or B / 10 The party was terrific. You ___ have been there! A=must B=should C=A or B