ESERCIZIO NUM: 1839 - CATEGORIA: verbi > conditional - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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SECOND CONDITIONAL, fai la scelta giusta per completare queste frasi correttamente(02):

1 If the country had a larger army, it ____ its neighbour. A=would invade B=invades C=will invade / 2 If I __ a superhero, I would call myself MegaMan. A=was B=am C=had / 3 If I __ young again, I would chase after girls. A=were B=was C=A or B / 4 The second conditional indicates that the condition ____. A=is in the past B=is improbable C=is in the future / 5 Which is correct? A=What will you do if you had a million bucks? B=What would you do if you have a million bucks? C=What would you do if you had a million bucks? / 6 People ___ if they knew what was going on in Parliament. A=would be shock B=would shock C=would be shocked / 7 The second conditional contains a clause in the paste tense... A=because it refers to the past. B=only when the sentence begins with 'if'. C=but it doesn't refer to the past. / 8 If I was a dog, I would pee on fire hydrants. A=The sentence describes an improbable condition B=The sentence describes an imaginary scenario. C=The sentence describes the future. / 9 If I got a ten-month bonus, I would blow it all on a new car. A=The sentence describes the future. B=The sentence describes an imaginary scenario. C=The sentence describes an improbable condition / 10 Which sentence is an example of the second conditional? A=I would have cried if I had been in your position. B=Angela would be so happy if she won the award. C=She will marry you if you ask her.