ESERCIZIO NUM: 1821 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MISURE-QUANTITA' per completare correttamente le frasi(01):

1 How long is this? What is its __? A=longth B=length C=long / 2 How wide is this? What is its __? A=wide B=winth C=width / 3 How high is this? What is its __? A=hight B=height C=high / 4 A thousand grams is a ___. A=kilogram B=gigagram C=pound / 5 In America, people measure weight in ___. A=pounds and ounces B=kilograms and grams C=miles / 6 In Europe, people measure in grams and kilograms. This is the __ system. A=metric B=kilometric C=full monty / 7 I just want a little milk in my tea. Just a __. A=pod B=drop C=pop / 8 Which sentence is correct? A=I have got plenty of money. B=I have got plenties of money. C=I have very plenty money. / 9 Which sentence is correct? A=A lot of people keep pets. B=Lots of people love pets. C=A and B / 10 Which sentence is correct? A=I like this movie too much! B=I like this movie a lot! C=A and B