ESERCIZIO NUM: 1819 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > frasi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

SUFFISSI in TION: scegli quello giusto in base ad ogni definizione.

1 Words ending in '-tion' are usually __. A=adjectives B=verbs C=nouns / 2 Which word has a form ending in '-tion'? A=look B=rob C=concentrate / 3 Which word has a form ending in '-tion'? A=flow B=inspect C=wander / 4 Which word has a form ending in '-tion'? A=regulate B=please C=pirate / 5 Which is NOT an actual word? A=attention B=concentration C=divition / 6 Which is NOT an actual word? A=nation B=probation C=decition / 7 Which is NOT an actual word? A=nutrition B=revition C=position / 8 Which sentence contains an error? A=The doctor made an incition. B=The King leads the nation. C=Soldiers eat rations. / 9 Which sentence contains an error? A=We need someone to provide a translation. B=The student is getting a good education. C=Two soldiers were killed in the fightation. / 10 Which sentence contains an error? A=Buddhists practise meditation B=The news came as a revelation. C=The doctor used his skill in medition.