ESERCIZIO NUM: 1818 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > frasi - DIFFICOLTA': ****

SUFFISSI in SOME: scegli quello giusto in base ad ogni definizione.

1 Are you feeling ___ tonight? A=lonesome B=lonelisome C=alonesome / 2 Something stressful may be ___. A=stressisome B=hardisome C=worrisome / 3 Dr. Evil is a ___ man. A=badsome B=loathsome C=hatesome / 4 Brad Pitt is not quite as ___ as me! A=strongsome B=handsome C=cutesome / 5 That was an ___ party! A=awesome B=greatsome C=grandsome / 6 Lily really is quite a ___ character when she complains. A=troublesome B=fightsome C=badsome / 7 What a ___ book. I couldn't finish it. A=tiresome B=boresome C=sleepsome / 8 She is ___ of a superstar in her own country. A=somesome B=somewhat C=whatsome / 9 Three people make up a ___. A=triosome B=trisome C=threesome / 10 A ___ task may be difficult to do. A=challengesome B=strengthsome C=burdensome