ESERCIZIO NUM: 1785 - CATEGORIA: verbi > modali to-have - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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WOULD oppure HAD? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello giusto:

1 You __ better listen to what I say, young man. A=had B=would C=A or B / 2 I ___ like to introduce you to a good friend of mine. A=had B=would C=A or B / 3 If I __ thought about it longer, I might have made a different decision. A=would B=had C=A or B / 4 I ___ rather stay in and watch TV. A=had B=would C=A or B / 5 If I had thought about it longer, I ___ have made a different decision. A=had B=would C=A or B / 6 George ___ rather fight than talk. A=would B=had C=A or B / 7 She __ better be careful with those scissors. A=had B=would C=A or B / 8 I ___ leave now, if I were you. A=had B=would C=A or B / 9 __ I thought about it longer, I might have made a different decision. A=Would B=Had C=A or B / 10 I'd = I ___ A=would B=had C=A or B