ESERCIZIO NUM: 1771 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > congiunzioni preposizioni - DIFFICOLTA': ****

WHEN, WHILE oppure DURING? Completa le frasi scegliendo quello giusto(01).

1 __ the summer, we played volleyball every day. A=When B=During C=While / 2 __ my vacation, I travelled to Switzerland. A=While B=When C=During / 3 __ I was young, I was a real rascal. A=During B=When C=While / 4 __ the time I was on vacation, I felt so relaxed. A=During B=While C=When / 5 __ my husband was changing, I put on my make-up. A=Where B=While C=During / 6 The doorbell rang __ Sherry was drying the dishes. A=when B=while C=A or B / 7 Nobody said a word ___ the memorial service. A=during B=while C=when / 8 __ Stuart arrived, the place was a mess. A=While B=When C=During / 9 __ Sherry was singing, Joyce was reading a book. A=When B=While C=A or B / 10 Meet me here __ it's time to go. A=during B=while C=when