ESERCIZIO NUM: 1760 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > nomi - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Countable o uncountable? fai la scelta giusta fra le tre opzioni e completa le frasi(02):

1 I got wet in ______. A=a rain B=the rains C=the rain / 2 I'd like a glass of ________. A=water B=the water C=waters / 3 _______ of the world's major oceans are slowly getting warmer. A=The waters B=Waters C=A water / 4 'Cheeses' means __________. A=various kinds of cheeses B=a really large amount of cheese C=pieces of cheese / 5 Dillingers sells fine wines and _________. A=a cheese B=cheese C=cheeses / 6 Which word is never used? A=foods B=waters C=informations / 7 So far we have received _______ information on the matter. A=little B=a few C=few / 8 George has _________ knowledge of geography. A=little B=a few C=few / 9 He ate at least four _______. A=pieces of toast B=toasts C=toast / 10 The cafe serves _________ from around the globe. A=a coffee B=coffees C=the coffee