ESERCIZIO NUM: 1705 - CATEGORIA: verbi > phrasal-verbs - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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Indica se i seguenti PHRASAL VERBS sono separabili o non separabili dalla loro preposizione scegliendo la soluzione corretta (o entrambe) fra le due proposte dopo ogni verbo.

turn on ? He turned on the light. He turned the light on. / hand in ? Hand in your homework on time. Hand your homework in on time. / get on ? They got on the bus. They got the bus on. / look up ? Look up the words in a dictionary. Look the words up in a dictionary. / grow up ? He grew up in North Carolina. He grew in North Carolina up. / check in ? We checked in at our hotel. We checked at our hotel in. / give up ? They gave up smoking. They gave smoking up. / ask out ? Henry asked Jenny out. Henry asked out Jenny. / mix up ? We mixed up the numbers. We mixed the numbers up. / look after ? Dennis looked after his brother. Dennis looked his brother after.